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Testknitting for Laylock

Every now and then i like to do a testknit, its interesting to get a peak into the design process of a designer, exciting to be able to knit something before the pattern is officially released and it gives a sense of accomplishment to finish a testknit in time for the designer.

Testknitting for Derya Davenport aka Laylock is very nice, since her patterns are great.
In this case she is back with a new recipe for sideways shawls - making two versions of a sideways shawl totally customisable! what a great idea! Take her pattern, use whatever stitchpattern you like from any stitchdictionary and off you knit!

She is planning to release the revised pattern on June 20th, so keep an eye on her blog!

best, kat

testknitting the trigonometrician shawl

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